The term ‘engineering’ gives people some kind of prejudices that it is going to be difficult and boring. I myself also thought ICS 314 course would be difficult because I used to be biased against “software engineering”. However, it turned out to be not as bad as I had imagined. Even though I am at the beginning of this course and there is still a long way to go, I was already able to enjoy this course due to organized objectives, a bunch of useful resources, and Javascript, of course.
One of the good things about this ICS314 course is learning Javascript. What I like the most about this Javascript is its flexibility. Even though I recently got started using this language, I feel very comfortable with it. Javascript seems unrestrained compared to other programming languages such as Java or C. It skips some unnecessary codes which are very common whenever I use Java or C. For example, Java and C always require the main function in order to run the program without exception, whereas Javascript does not require the main function in order to run the program which makes users able to work straight on their functions. In addition to that, users do not need to care about different data types for using variables. For these and many other unmentioned reasons, I think Javascript is one of the most convenient programming languages.
Another good thing about this course is WODs exercise. WOD exercises are definitely helpful because they make students come up with ideas that are required to solve a problem in time. It would be sad if I fail most of WODs exercises and lose lots of credits, but WOD exercises will be definitely helpful to students so that they can become skillful Javscript programmers soon afterwards.